2025 China(Guangzhou) Int'l Platemetal, Bar, Wire, Metal Processing &Setting Equipment Exhibition

2025 China(Guangzhou)International Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition



Governed By:

Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Department of Foreign Trade

Approved By:

The Department of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province

Organized By:

Guangzhou Julang Exhibition Design Co., Ltd.

Special Thanks to:

The U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, Consulate General of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Guangzhou, The Australian Trade Commission, Italian Institute of Foreign Trade, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Bangladesh, The Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Turkey, Commerce of United Arab Emirates in China

New Attractions

  • A special promotion work group is working on publishing information of the expo through telphone, fax, mobile, email, post, industry magazine, website, newspaper and TV. More than 300,000 invitations and 1,000,000 tickets will be distributed directly to the potential buyers of corresponding industries( hardware, machinery, automobile, building materials, petroleum, chemical industry, aviation, electric power, food, electronic, steel, valves, home appliances, furniture, medical treatment, packaging, paper making, metallurgy) around the world.

  • Promotion ads through professional media: Steel Guru, Steel & Metallergical, Japan Metal Daily, Intras Publication, Steel Times International, Ore and Metals, The Ukrainan Metal Journal, Metal Finishing News, Japan Metal Bulletin, Metal Bulletin, Metal Expert, Tubefirst.com, etc.

Schedule and Venue

Show time: May 10-12,2025

Move-out: 1pm,12 May,2025            Move-in: 8-9 May,2025

Venue: Ground Floor, C Area, China Import and Export Fair Complex(No.980,Xingang Dong Road, Guangzhou, China)

Exhibiting Scope

  • Steel smelting skill and technology, aluminum, copper manufacturer, stainless steel manufacturer.

  • Plate (color steel plate ,galvanization plate, coat plate, sheet metal , medium thickness plate, shape sheet metal ,railing-protection board, sorts of color steel tile )

  • Strip and steel band ,type and H-type steel, bar and alloy steel , special steel, kinds of mould steel;

  • Wire rod, stainless steel wire rod, spring wire rod , screw wire rod and other steel wire ;

  • Steel mesh(steel plate mesh, mesh reinforcement welding, delivery mesh, punching mesh ,railing-protection mesh and steel mesh moulding equipment).

  • Board cutting equipment (crosscut, slitting machine), bending and punching equipment; plate hot rolling, cold rolling, cold bending, rolled forming equipment.

  • Bar and wire rod mill ,bar rolling automation measure and technology; drawing machine, wire draw bench ,roller, metallurgic bearing, coupling, gear box and processing equipments;

  • Machinery for metal processing, testing machine for metal materials, metal circular saw machine, beveller, abrading and polishing equipment, metallurgic saw piece and sorts of cutting tool.

  • Cooling fluid and oil for metal processing, lubricating materials , anti-rust materials , surface treatment raw material and equipment; detector of defects ,metallurgic packing machine, winding equipment, weighting apparatus, metal mark-printing machine.

  • Set of welding apparatus, welding material, testing apparatus of welding line.

  • Metallurgic automation apparatus, metallurgic transportation equipment, equipment for metal recycle.

Exhibition Charges

Brand Hall (minimum area of 36sqms): 450 USD/sqm raw space rent + 5 USD/sqm construction management fees

Standard Booth: USD4500/booth (9sqms)

Included Basic Fittings: booth boarding, fascia board with company name, one table, two chairs,carpet , garbage can , two daylight lamps ,air condition

Procedures of Participation

  • Post or fax the filled & stamped application to us.

  • Participation fee should be transferred into our company account & swift receipt should be fax to us within one week after receiving the stand confirmation.

  • The contract will officially become effective after receiving participation fee. The booth can not be subleased or loaned to any third party for any reason.

  • The location of booth will be allotted according to application date and size.



Add: Suite 3A04-3A06,Building A1, Galaxy City, Huaming Rd 29,Pearl River New City, Tianhe, Guangzhou, 510623, China

Tel: 0086-20-38620790          Fax: 0086-20-38620781

Contact: Lisy    0086-13570598541

WeChat: 13570598541

E-mail: julang@julang.com.cn

Website: www.metalchina-gz.com


China Import and Export Fair Complex (Canton Fair Complex)

Industrial sectors

Advertising, Marketing, Franchising.., Aerospace Airport Construction, Agriculture ,Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Fisheries, Livestock Farming, Arts, Antiques, Boats, Boat Accessories, Books, Prints, Licences, Libraries, Chemical and Petrochemical Industry, City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services, Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control, Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings, Consumer Electronics, Multimedia, Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness, Defense Technology, Dental Medicine, Dental Technology, Design Services, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Energy (conventional and renewable), Environment and Climate Protection, Facility Management, Financial and Insurance Services, Real Estate, Export Promotion, Floorings, Food Processing and Packaging Machinery, Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff, Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals), Funerals and Religion, Furniture, Interior Design, Garden and Pet, National Specialized Exhibitions Abroad, Gifts, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items, Hardware, Tools, Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings, Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware, Industrial Equipment, Maintenance, Information and Communication Technology, Software, Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology, Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery, Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes, Leisure, Hobby, DIY, Lighting, Lighting Technology, Logistics, Conveyance and Storage Technology, Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care, Metalworking, Welding Technology, Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation, Music (Instruments, Licences), Nursery Equipment, Childrens Clothing, Office Equipment and Supplies, Oil Gas, Ophthalmic Optics, Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production, Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Plastic and Rubber Processing, Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology, Safety, Security, Disaster Control, Shipbuilding, Port Machinery, Offshore Engineering, Sporting Goods, Subcontracting, Surface Treatment Technology, Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development, Technical Optics, Laser Technology, Technologies, Inventions, Innovations, Textile and Clothing Machinery, Textile Cleaning, Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles), Toys, Games, Computer Games, Trade Fairs, Congresses and Events, Event and Stage Technology, Transport and Traffic, Tube, Wire, Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories), Woodworking, Furniture Production, General service trade fairs, Service companies, Other, Scientific research, Science, Clean technology, Coatings, Packaging, Packaging technology, Printing, Printing technology, Mechanical engineering, machine tools, tools
Prior to exhibition left --:--:--

Among exhibitors

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