International exhibition for metalworking, technologies and industrial equipment
The TIB (Târgul Tehnic Internaţional) — International Technology Fair and the Metal Show are joining together from 2024 to the Metal Show & TIB Bucharest — at the Romexpo Exhibition Center for the largest technical fair and exhibition of the metalworking industry in Romania. The fields represented at Metal Show & TIB are mechanical engineering, electrics, electronics, automation, communications and industrial IT, chemistry and petrochemistry, industry services, metallurgy and welding, transport, storage and much more. In the exhibition, different conferences, seminars, workshops and film screenings will take place. Metal Show & TIB will offer a real technological show expected by the Romanian industry and will focus on the most current topics such as industry 4.0, Smart/Factory / Smart Solutions, Internet of Things, Man to Machine, Innovation and Networking.
ROMEXPO Exhibitions Centre
ROMEXPO S.A.Similar exhibitions
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Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals)
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance
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Recently submitted exhibition applications
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance