TCT is The Place For Insight, Education, Innovation and To Do Business.
For 2024, we have a mission which goes beyond simply raising awareness; it is focused on developing a 360-degree understanding of the potential of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technology.
For 10 years, TCT has set the industry agenda, bringing together dozens of inspirational speakers, 300+ exhibiting companies and more than 20,000 visitors.
With real-world applications, targeted intelligence and information, aligned with the complete range of technology on the show floor. This will create an innovative event experience with networking opportunities, practical takeaways and highly focused content to help designers, engineers and buyers evaluate, adopt and optimise their additive requirements.
China's biggest 3D printing and additive manufacturing event returns to the NECC, Shanghai on 17-19th Mar 2025.
National Exhibition and Convention Center(Shanghai)- NECC
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