International Autumn Food and Drink Exhibition is a professional platform where in just 4 days you can comprehensively solve business problems: find new customers and partners, present new products, expand opportunities, explore the market.
The main advantage of the WorldFood Moscow exhibition is the opportunity to find buyers in all the key distribution channels.
Unique formats for the presentation of your products and modern solutions for organizing participation in the exhibition will let you achieve maximum results.
The key advantage and value of the WorldFood Moscow exhibition is the coverage of all food distribution channels and the ability to comprehensively solve business problems:
for food producers: find new customers and increase sales, expand the geography of sales within Russia, realize export potential, present new products, study the market and competitors, get feedback from buyers about products, meet partners and find service providers;
for retail, wholesale and marketplaces: find new suppliers of food and drinks, negotiate the best supply terms, compare offers from different suppliers, taste and evaluate the quality of products, learn the latest market statistics and meet industry experts;
for food industry: find new suppliers of food products for canteens, cafes and restaurants, taste the products as part of ready meals, negotiate supplies directly with company executives.
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