The event Expodireto Cotrijal is one of the biggest fairs of international agribusiness. Focusing on technology and business, it contributes in a decisive way for the development of all this sector. The main objective is to bring the producer closer to the knowledge and information, to the technology celebrated and acclaimed in research organs or in private companies, to great business opportunities and to important debates related to the rural environment.
The benefits of the fair go from information acquired in informal conversations between researcher and producer, to lectures about specific topics, passing through static and dynamic exhibitions of products and services. Everything is available for the visitor to know, consider and adopt. The ample schedule of the event contributes to the connection between the technology sources and the rural producer.
Since 2010, the Expodireto Cotrijal attracts visitors from more than 70 countries. It is about 250 thousand people visiting the park during the five days, curious to see what around 500 exhibitors have to offer, in different areas, such as agricultural equipment and machinery, plant production, animal production, family farming, natural environment, researches and services related to the field.
The presence of financial institutions allows access to credit lines from official organs or private companies for rural producers. Thereby, in the same space, the producer has the opportunity to know, consider and adopt advances which will help him to increase productivity, solve specific problems and facilitate his activity.
The park on which the fair takes place has 98 hectares of complete infrastructure, providing for the exhibitors the opportunity of doing business and launching new products and equipment to small, medium and large properties. The access to the fair is free.
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Recently submitted exhibition applications
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